Paper towels are found in many commercial restrooms across the globe—but how do they hold up when compared to electric hand dryers? If you’re installing XLERATOR® Hand Dryers by Excel Dryer instead of paper towels, you can rest assured that you’re creating amore hygienic and sustainable space while saving money at the same time. But don’t just take our word for it; read on for the facts that prove why XLERATOR Hand Dryers are the smart choice for commercial restrooms.
If you’re thinking that paper towels are more hygienic than electric hand dryers, you might want to think again. According to a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, unused paper towels made from recycled fibers are home to between 100 and 1,000-fold more bacteria than a wood pulp brand—and paper towel bacteria might transfer to people after handwashing.
Replacing paper towels with XLERATOR Hand Dryers limits germ transmission in restrooms by eliminating touchpoints, as the dryers are sensor activated. XLERATOR can also come equipped with Excel Dryer’s HEPA filtration system, which removes 99.999% of viruses and99.97% of potentially present bacteria at 0.3 microns from the airstream.
Your facility could be next on a long list of businesses that have looked to foster more hygienic restroom environments. Take Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago for example—after researching electric hand drying solutions, the hospital selected XLERATOR as the most hygienic hand drying solution on the market, over alternatives such as trough-style hand dryers.

Cost Savings and Less Maintenance
Saving money and spending less time on maintenance are goals every facility wants to achieve, and Excel Dryer’s products help to make that possible. Not only do they reduce a facility’s energy use, but XLERATOR and all dryers in Excel’s high-efficiency product line provide a 95% cost savings versus paper towels.
With XLERATORs in use, staff members no longer have to spend time cleaning up after paper towel messes that patrons create. This rings true for the staff at Gillette Stadium, where 125 XLERATOR Hand Dryers do the work of what used to take more than 6 million paper towels. In addition to a $50,000 annual cost savings, Gillette’s maintenance team can respond to immediate guest needs much faster, as the XLERATORs help ease the burden.
Want to put a commitment to sustainability at the forefront of your facility’s goals? Swap out paper towels for an XLERATOR. High-speed hand dryers dry hands faster, saving energy and emitting less than 40 grams of carbon dioxide—whereas paper towel drying averages more than 57 grams of carbon dioxide. And it’s not just paper towels that are outdone by high-speed hand dryers—the XLERATOR®, XLERATOReco®, ThinAir® and XLERATORsync® Hand Dryers each use 80% less energy than conventional hand dryers.
In an environmental life cycle assessment (LCA)that analyzed the green benefits of a XLERATOR, a conventional electric hand dryer and paper towels, it was discovered that the XLERATOR reduces the environmental impact of hand drying by up to75% over an entire decade.
Some facilities across the globe, such as the America Free Zone (AFZ) in Costa Rica, have already started noticing the environmental benefits of XLERATOR. AFZ saw reduced energy use and a lower carbon foot print after installing 200 XLERATOR Hand Dryers in its restrooms.